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Undergoing rhinoplasty is a transformative experience, and many individuals wonder about the implications for their regular exercise routine. Let’s explore the safety aspects of exercising after rhinoplasty and how to resume physical activities without compromising healing.

Is Exercising After Rhinoplasty Safe?



One common question that arises after rhinoplasty is whether it’s safe to engage in exercises. In general, the answer is yes, but there are a few key factors to take into account. Let’s delve into why exercising after rhinoplasty can be safe and beneficial for your overall well-being.

Blood Flow And Healing

One of the primary benefits of incorporating light exercises after rhinoplasty is the promotion of blood flow. Light exercise is essential to speeding up the healing process, but heavy lifting should be avoided in the early stages of recuperation. Improved blood circulation can assist in reducing swelling and promoting natural anti-inflammatory responses, expediting recovery.

Cardiovascular Benefits

Resuming regular exercise routines, once deemed safe by your surgeon, can offer substantial cardiovascular benefits. Enhancing cardiovascular health contributes to improved blood circulation, which, in turn, aids in the reduction of postoperative swelling. As the recovery progresses, incorporating light cardio exercises can be instrumental in fostering an optimal healing environment.

Mental Well-Being

Beyond the physical aspects, it’s essential to acknowledge the known mental health benefits associated with physical activity. While the initial healing phase requires caution and limited exertion, gradually reintroducing exercise can positively impact your mindset during the recovery journey. Engaging in activities that align with your surgeon’s recommendations can provide a sense of normalcy and contribute to overall well-being.

Knowing When Exercising After Nose Surgery Can Be Risky

While exercising after rhinoplasty is generally safe, there are specific situations and activities that pose risks to your recovery. Understanding when exercising can be risky after rhinoplasty surgery is crucial for preventing complications. Here are scenarios where caution is advised:

Early Post-Surgery Period

During the initial weeks after rhinoplasty, especially within the first two weeks, engaging in intense exercise sessions is not recommended. The body needs time to heal, and vigorous physical activity can increase swelling, disrupt the healing process, and potentially lead to complications.

Impact Sports And Activities

Early on in the healing process, contact sports and high-impact activities might be dangerous for the sensitive nasal tissues. Avoid activities like boxing, martial arts, and any sport that involves direct contact or the risk of facial trauma.

Increased Blood Pressure

Activities that significantly increase blood pressure should be approached with caution. High-impact aerobic exercises, heavy weightlifting, or activities that require a Valsalva manoeuvre (holding your breath while straining) can potentially lead to increased bleeding and swelling. If your nose experiences persistent swelling or bruising, it’s a sign that the healing process is still ongoing. In such cases, it’s advisable to avoid activities that could exacerbate these symptoms.

Uncomfortable Or Painful Sensations

Exercising After Rhinoplasty check mirandaIf you experience discomfort, pain, or pressure in your nasal area during or after exercise, it’s essential to stop immediately. These sensations may indicate that your body is not ready for the intensity of the activity, and pushing through could lead to complications.

Always seek your surgeon’s approval before resuming any exercise routine. They understand the specifics of your surgery and healing progress, providing personalised guidance on when it’s safe to reintroduce different levels of physical activity.

Remember, it’s crucial to prioritise your overall health and well-being during the recovery period. If you’re uncertain about the safety of a particular exercise or activity, consult your surgeon to ensure a smooth and comfortable healing process.

Resuming Exercise After Facial Surgery: A Step-By-Step Guide

Resuming exercise after your nose job requires a thoughtful and gradual approach. Let’s outline a step-by-step guide on how to safely reintegrate physical activities into your routine without compromising the healing process.

Light Exercises During Initial Weeks

In the first few weeks post-surgery, opt for light exercises that don’t elevate your blood pressure significantly. This period is crucial for proper healing, and intense physical activities should be avoided.

Consider light walking as an excellent starting point. It promotes blood circulation without straining your body. Keep the walks short and gradually increase the distance over time.

Activities that strain your facial muscles or involve impact should be avoided. This includes weight lifting, strenuous cardio, and contact sports.

Exercise Timeline: Weeks After Your Surgery

Understanding the appropriate timeline for resuming exercise is essential. Here’s a general guideline for safely reintroducing physical activities after rhinoplasty to reduce blood clots and boost your overall health.

First Week

Focus on light walking and strictly adhere to your surgeon’s instructions. Your body, particularly the nasal structures, is extremely fragile during this period.

Second Week

Continue with light walking, ensuring you maintain the same distance. Avoid any activities that may increase swelling or strain your healing nose.

Exercise Gradually: Weeks 3–4

As you transition into the third and fourth weeks after rhinoplasty, you can gradually expand your exercise routine. However, caution and attention to your body’s signals are paramount during this phase.

Pay close attention to how your body responds to increased activity. If you experience any discomfort, swelling, or changes in your healing process, scale back your exercise routine and consult your surgeon.

Incorporate Aerobic Exercises

Consider incorporating light aerobic exercises that boost blood circulation without causing strain. Activities like stationary cycling or slow jogging can be introduced, ensuring they’re non-impact and don’t risk injury to your nasal area.

Exercise Safely

Safety remains the top priority. Avoid any strenuous exercise that involves bending over or activities with a risk of impact. Stick to controlled and low-impact movements to protect your healing nasal structures.

Building Intensity: Weeks 5–6

You can progressively increase the intensity of your workout regimen as the fifth and sixth weeks draw near. However, it’s crucial to maintain a cautious approach to prevent setbacks in your healing process.

Exercising After Rhinoplasty factors mirandaIf you were engaged in weight training before your cosmetic nose surgery, you can consider resuming it at this stage. However, start with lighter weights and fewer repetitions to gauge your body’s response.

For cardio exercises, such as running or more intense aerobic activities, gradually increase the duration and intensity. Pay attention to any signs of increased swelling or discomfort.

Always follow the guidance provided by your surgeon. They may recommend specific exercises or advise against certain activities based on your individual healing progress.

Resuming Intense Exercises: Beyond 6 Weeks

Beyond the crucial six-week mark, you can begin to reintegrate more intense exercises and activities into your routine. However, it’s crucial to proceed gradually and continue to prioritise your healing process.

Reintroduce Weight Lifting

If you’ve been missing your weightlifting routine, you can now start to reintroduce it with caution. Begin with lighter weights and slowly progress, ensuring you listen to your body’s responses.

Gradual Return To Contact Sports

For those involved in contact sports or activities with a risk of facial impact, a gradual return is recommended. Consult your surgeon to assess the feasibility of resuming such activities based on your individual healing.

As you increase the intensity of your exercises, be mindful of any signs of increased swelling or discomfort. If you notice adverse reactions, scale back your routine and consult with your surgeon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to resume exercise after rhinoplasty?

Yes, it is safe to resume exercise after rhinoplasty, but the timeline and intensity should be guided by your surgeon. Gradual reintegration of light exercises in the initial weeks, followed by more intense activities after six weeks, minimises the risk of complications.

Can I participate in contact sports after rhinoplasty?

Engaging in contact sports should be approached cautiously and only after consulting your surgeon. Beyond the six-week mark, a gradual return may be considered, but protective measures should be taken to avoid facial impact.

How can I minimise swelling during exercise?

To minimise swelling during exercise, choose low-impact activities, avoid exercises that involve bending over, and listen to your body. If swelling persists or worsens, consult your surgeon to ensure a safe and effective recovery.

Returning To Your Normal Exercise Routine

Exercising After Rhinoplasty dos and donts mirandaExercising after rhinoplasty is safe and holds potential benefits for both physical and mental well-being. The key lies in a gradual and monitored approach, always in consultation with your surgeon.

By incorporating light exercises and gradually increasing intensity, you can contribute to a smoother recovery process and enhance your overall health. Remember, your surgeon’s guidance is paramount, so follow their recommendations for a successful post-rhinoplasty exercise routine.

Want to know more about how to resume exercising during your recovery process safely? Call Dr Alan Evans, Miranda, Sydney, NSW, at (02) 9158 6375.

Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


Beauty, Haute. “Exercise After Plastic Surgery: When Is It Safe to Start?” Haute Beauty by Haute Living, 29 Aug. 2023, hauteliving.com/hautebeauty/662078/exercise-after-plastic-surgery-when-is-it-safe-to-start.

Ray, Linda. “Exercises to Avoid After a Nose Job.” LIVESTRONG.COM, 9 Aug. 2019, www.livestrong.com/article/18387-exercises-avoid-after-nose-job.

“Restrictions.” Stanford Health Care, 12 Sept. 2017, stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-treatments/e/endoscopic-sinus-surgery/what-to-expect/restrictions.html.

“What to Expect While Recovering From a Rhinoplasty.” University of Utah Health | University of Utah Health, 15 Aug. 2023, healthcare.utah.edu/the-scope/health-library/all/2019/09/what-expect-while-recovering-rhinoplasty.

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