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By ENT, Head & Neck Surgeon
Dr Alan Evans

By ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon
Dr Alan Evans


A facelift in Sydney is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to restore youth and self-esteem. When performed by a highly skilled surgeon, it’s possible to create a beautiful and flawless look without the tell-tale signs of surgery. It is often combined with a necklift and neck liposuction procedure.

In Australia particularly, the ageing process is often accelerated because of our strong sun. Other factors such as stress, weight loss, smoking, alcohol and genetics can all play a part. As we age, the skin, muscles and facial fat can suffer from a loss of collagen and elastin; add to this natural gravity and our faces can start to sag, often causing people to consider a face lift in Sydney.

While a facelift can be performed on its own, it is often combined with other cosmetic treatments such as a necklift, brow lift, eyelid reduction, and laser resurfacing, thus improving other troublesome areas at the same time.

Are you a candidate for a face lift in Sydney?

The best candidates for a facelift are typically men or women whose face and neck are showing the signs of ageing but whose skin has retained much of its elasticity. It also helps if their bone structure is well-defined.

While many individuals opt for this procedure between the ages of 40-60, it can also be performed on a person in their 70s or 80s provided that they are in relatively good health.


What to expect from a facelift in Sydney

At an initial consultation, Dr Alan Evans will assess your individual needs based on your facial structure, expectations and suitability for face-lifting surgery in Sydney, NSW.

It’s important at this stage to be open and honest with your reasons for wanting a facelift and remember to mention if you are taking any medications and whether or not you smoke tobacco products.

A facelift is purely cosmetical, so you don’t need to be referred by your GP.

Facelift in Sydney NSW – The Surgery

The facelift procedure usually takes between 2 to 3 hours, although this will be longer when combined with other procedures such as Blepharoplasty, Browlift and Laser Resurfacing. It’s performed under a general anaesthetic and you will have to stay overnight in a hospital.

Step 1

The first step of the procedure involves making an incision at the side of your face at the hairline which will extend along the front of the ear and up into the hairline at the back of the ear. The skin is then lifted up and the fat pads, muscle, and other tissues are tightened and lifted. The neck is also tightened, and the jowls are raised up. By tightening the muscle as well as the skin, Dr Evans produces results that last longer.

Step 2

The excess skin is removed and the incision line is accurately closed with sutures. Drains are usually not required. Your face will then be bandaged for 24 hours, after which a chin strap will give the necessary support.

Most patients experience mild pain or discomfort after surgery and pain medication will be prescribed as required. Sleeping with the head elevated for the first 3 days after surgery can significantly reduce any pain felt, although there may be some bruising or swelling which should subside after a week or so.

You should be able to return to work within a couple of weeks, although you might want to consider wearing camouflage make-up which is specially designed to conceal bruising and swelling. Most people return to normal activities after 2 weeks and strenuous activity can normally be resumed after 3 weeks.

A modern facelift in Sydney can be expected to last many years and unlike non-surgical treatments the results are more permanent. When further ageing occurs, patients can choose to have a second and more simple operation known as a tuck.


Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should always seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

To find out more if facelift surgery in Sydney is for you, why not book a consultation with Dr Evans. Contact his team on (02) 9158 6375 or message us on the following link