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Rhinoplasty recovery takes a while for you to heal completely. The good news is that after the first week following your nose job, you should start to notice gradual improvements in the size and shape of your nose, as the swelling goes down. Today we are going to answer the question ‘how long is nose job recovery’, and what you might expect in your recovery timeline.


How Long Is Nose Job Recovery?

There are two ways to consider answering this question. One way is to consider the short term recovery period and the other is the long term recovery period. We are going to explain both in today’s article, as well as what you can do to accelerate healing.


Short Term Rhinoplasty Recovery

A nose job is performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you will be able to go home on the same day. If you are careful and follow your plastic surgeon’s post-operative care instructions, your short term recovery period should last between seven and 10 days. This is of course dependent on some variable factors like the type of procedure you had done and your own body’s rate of healing.


24-hours after your nose job 

healing timeline recovery nose job sydney​You can expect some swelling and bruising on your nose and under your eyes. Not everyone has bruising and only a small portion of patients will experience severe bruising. This depends on your body as well as the type of rhinoplasty procedure you had done.

Once the anaesthetic has worn off, you will also feel some tenderness in your face. Once you get home, prepare to rest and recuperate. This is really important to avoid post-operative complications. You should be keeping your head as elevated as possible, especially when sleeping, as this can help to reduce swelling. Sleeping in a recliner or propped up on a few pillows is a good idea.


Five days into rhinoplasty recovery

You will probably wear a nasal splint for the first five days after your surgery. By day three of your rhinoplasty recovery period, you should notice an improvement in the bruising and swelling. For most patients, any residual bruising after day five can usually be concealed with some makeup. Between day five and day seven, you will visit your plastic surgeon to have your splint removed.


Three to six weeks into rhinoplasty recovery

We advise our patients to avoid strenuous activity for the first three to six weeks after a nose job. Most people are ready to start working or socialising again around two weeks into recovery. Patients who have thicker skin are likely to experience more swelling than those with thin skin.


Long Term Rhinoplasty Recovery

It can take six to 12 months for all of the swelling to subside completely. Three to four months into your rhinoplasty recovery, you may still notice the swelling. Bear in mind that this is minor swelling that is probably only going to be visible to you and your surgeon. But, it’s only really after a year that you can accurately assess the size and shape of your new nose. This is the nature of the nose and the way that it heals; it tends to hold onto swelling for longer than other body parts, so this is a normal part of the healing process.


What Are The Factors That Contribute To Prolonged Healing?

Each patient is unique and experiences a different healing timeline. Factors like having thicker or oily skin, and undergoing a complex rhinoplasty make recovery take longer. Revisional surgery can take longer to heal than a first-time nose job.



What Can You Do To Make Sure Your Nose Job Recovery Goes Well?

Your plastic surgeon will give you specific post-operative instructions to follow, and complying with these will make a major difference to your recovery timeline. This will include caring for your wound, when your splint should be removed, and when you need to return to your plastic surgeon for a check-up. In addition, you should

  • Take any prescribed medication on the schedule you have been given. Your surgeon will give you medication to manage the pain, bruising, and swelling which you should take as directed.
  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet during your recovery period. You should pre-plan your meals or make sure you have someone at home to help you so you can still relax
  • Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fruit juice. Avoid alcohol and caffeine during your recovery period.


So, How Long Is Nose Job Recovery?

At the end of the first week following your surgery, you should notice a significant improvement. After this, any swelling and bruising should improve gradually as the days pass. Three to four months after your nose job, you should notice a substantial improvement, but you can expect the full healing process to take up to a year to be fully complete. Only after this milestone can you consider any revisional procedure.


For a more personalised answer to the question ‘how long is nose job recovery’ it’s best to speak to a plastic surgeon. Please contact us for a confidential appointment to discuss your options: (02) 9158 6375.






Cosmetic Surgery for the Nose

What to expect during your rhinoplasty recovery




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