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Rhinoplasty, commonly called a “nose job,” is an attractive option for patients not content with the size or shape of their noses. Beyond its obvious cosmetic perks, however, this procedure has more expansive applications, such as eliminating nasal airway obstruction and restoring nasal functioning after traumatic injury. Additionally, rhinoplasty can even help treat breathing-related issues that impede sleep quality and physical activity levels.


What can a nose surgery change?

Your nose is a trait all its own due to its placement and can be comprised of any combination of bone, cartilage or skin. Rhinoplasty offers you the chance to customise each part -even down to the tip. Prior visits with your surgeon are essential for success in this process as they will provide an opportunity for both parties to clearly express what changes need to occur so that you get exactly what you desire from surgery.

Establishing a healthy relationship and keeping the communication lines open with your surgeon is essential in knowing precisely what to expect at every stage of the journey.


Nose Surgery before and after


What to expect before the rhinoplasty procedure?

If you are entertaining the thought of nose reshaping, including issues with your nasal tip,  deviated nose, droopy tip, or nasal hump, then rhinoplasty may be a suitable cosmetic procedure for you.

rhinoplasty procedure sydneyYour surgeon will evaluate if you fit the standards for candidacy. This requires being at a suitable age (finished with puberty) and in good physical and mental condition. Your medical history shall also be taken into account to comprehend what outcomes you wish to obtain from the operation, as well as any worries or apprehensions that may transpire.

Before you proceed with any treatment, it is essential that your nose surgeon explains all the potential risks and adverse reactions. To be able to have an idea of what your nose will look like after the surgery is finished, 3D imaging can provide a helpful visual aid. Plus, pictures of both your profile and nose can be captured for digital imaging purposes as well as in order to illustrate which kinds of changes are achievable.


Are any other procedures necessary?

If you want to achieve a more proportionate facial structure, consider chin augmentation. A small chin can cause your nose to appear larger in comparison and lead to an uneven appearance. Chin augmentation is the perfect solution for those looking for corrective measures that will bring harmony back into their face’s aesthetic design. You’ll be amazed at how quickly balance and symmetry are restored.

Your nose job will be done with anaesthesia, as an outpatient operation that takes up to three hours, based on the complexity of what needs to be achieved. It is imperative you have someone else drive you home after surgery since a few hours may pass before the drowsiness subsides. You can leave the same day and head back home.

To ensure that you recover completely, it is beneficial to have proper preparations done at home and the necessary support in place. Taking a few days off work to rest and recuperate can exponentially improve your recovery speed as well.



What to expect after rhinoplasty surgery?

Following your nose surgery, expect to have a bandage and splint wrapped around your nose for support. The gauze will be used to catch any possible bleeding you may experience when the anaesthetic wears off. In addition, some swelling and bruising beneath the eyes are not unusual. You should also prepare yourself for potential discomfort as well as congestion in the nasal passage leading you to breathe through your mouth more than usual.

To minimise any post-operative swelling, it is essential to maintain your head in an elevated position as much as feasible. Keeping blood from accumulating can be a real help here. To ease discomfort and puffiness, you may want to consider taking some pain medication; however, steer clear of ibuprofen or aspirin since they could contribute to excessive bleeding. Be sure you speak with your surgeon for the best advice on which medications might work well for you.


What to avoid after nose job surgery?

Handle your body with care after the surgical procedure – abstain from any strenuous exercise, refrain from blowing your nose and opt for a bath over a shower. Wear clothing that buttons up in the front instead of dressing by pulling clothes items on top of your head. Gently brush your teeth, so you don’t move around too much at the upper lip region. Stay away from smoking and anything that places excessive force on the bridge area, such as glasses or sunglasses. When venturing outdoors, do not forget to put sun protection since the skin will be more sensitive than normal during recovery and can easily discolour without it.

nose job surgery sydneyApproximately five to seven days post-nose procedure, you will have to visit your surgeon, who will take off the bandages and any stitches/splint. Though some swelling and bruising may still be present at this time, it should have lessened significantly by now. Most patients are able to find their way back into work – even for physically demanding tasks – about a week after surgery, provided no heavy lifting is involved in the job description.

At this stage, the healing process from your rhinoplasty surgery may appear to decelerate as swelling decreases each week slowly. Eventually, it takes in the region of twelve months for all inflammation and rhinoplasty scars to dissipate and for your new nose to settle into its natural size and shape. Consequently, your surgeon will advise that a second operation shouldn’t be contemplated until one year has elapsed since you underwent nose job surgery. It is recommended that you wait at least a year before considering any surgery that could alter the results of your new nose. This ensures ample time for you to adjust and become accustomed to how it looks and suits your face rather than rushing into another procedure prematurely.


Are you still unsure of the results that can be achieved with rhinoplasty? To ensure a safe and successful procedure, it is highly recommended to discuss your options with Dr Alan Evans, our experienced ENT surgeon. For a private consultation, please call us at (02) 9158 6375.



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.






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